Head Office4-8-5 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001
EstablishedNovember 30, 1965
Capital¥10 million
Sales¥11.6 billion(FY2022)
Employees342 (as of March 2023)
Business DescriptionRestaurant business, direct sales at department stores and commercial facilities, delivery business, wholesale business, mail order business, overseas business

Company Overview and Philosophy
Our Cherished Value: Putting the Customer First
Known for its top brand of pork cutlet specialty restaurants, Tonkatsu MAiSEN, Izutsu Maisen has made steady progress since its establishment in 1965 by striving to provide safe, secure, and delicious foods under the motto "Our Cherished Value: Putting the Customer First." Having begun with the opening of the first restaurant by the founder, a homemaker, in Hibiya, Tokyo, the company now operates 13 directly managed restaurants and 64 other directly managed outlets mainly located in department stores and train stations. We also provide our commitment to taste by operating a variety of catering, delivery, mail-order sales, and other businesses. In addition, the company has been expanding its restaurants overseas since 2012, with a total of 22 restaurants in Thailand, the Philippines, and Taiwan. (As of April 2023)
We became a member of the Suntory Group in 2008, and continue to carefully protect the traditional MAiSEN brand while utilizing the Group’s backbone.
Corporate Philosophy
We will always strive to manufacture products with sincerity and sell them in a spirit of hospitality for the sake of the "delicious smiles" of our customers.
And we will continue to make various efforts so that all people involved with the company will be able to say, "What a good company this is."
Primary Sustainability Activities
Sustainability Management Promotion
Sharing our Corporate Philosophy & Code of Conduct with all employees
At Maisen, our CSR efforts consist of nothing other than practicing our corporate philosophy of manufacturing products with sincerity and selling them in a spirit of hospitality for the sake of the "delicious smiles" of our customers.
In addition to our Corporate Philosophy, which is the starting point for CSR management, Maisen has formulated a Code of Conduct that outlines the things employees should do. These are made into portable cards and distributed to all employees, and are also recited at morning meetings to ensure that they are thoroughly familiar to all employees.

Every employee carries a card stating the Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
1.Compliance with laws, regulations and social norms
We will comply with laws and regulations, social norms, internal and external company rules and regulations, and endeavor to conduct corporate activities based on high ethical standards to earn the trust of society. -
2.Complete adherence to the customer-first principle
We will ensure that, above all else, our customers always come first, and will strive to provide safe, secure, high-quality products and services that contribute to the delight and happiness of our customers. -
3.Respect for employees
We respect individuality in each other, and strive to create a workplace where everyone can work with vigor and enthusiasm. -
4.Fair and equitable dealings
We will fulfill our corporate social responsibility by striving to conduct our business activities in a fair and transparent manner with our customers, business associates and all other stakeholders. -
5.Contributions to local communities
We will strive to harmonize and cooperate with our local community as one of its members as we actively contribute to society in our role as a good corporate citizen.
Promotion of risk management
Maisen has established management rules for the handling of customers' personal information, over which we exercise strict control. In the mail-order business, where occasions for handling personal information are frequent, we use the Suntory Group’s networks and implement security measures equivalent to those of the Group.
Also, in light of the recent social issue arising from employees transmitting inappropriate information via SNS, we have established an SNS Policy and are strengthening efforts to raise awareness among employees through meetings with location managers.
Strengthening brand management
In order to protect and enhance the value of the MAiSEN brand cultivated over the past half-century, we have registered it as a trademark and strictly control the use of the logo with established guidelines.
Safety and Quality of Food Products
Our uncompromising commitment to quality
At Tonkatsu MAiSEN, compromise is something that simply could not exist in our commitment to deliciousness. In order for our customers to enjoy truly delicious pork cutlet, we are particular about pork and all other ingredients and cooking methods, and we continue to preserve the flavors that have been enjoyed since our establishment.
Establishment of a sanitation management system
Maisen offers freshly cooked pork cutlets at its restaurants and directly-managed outlets, but the processing and preparation of ingredients is done at three plants: the Takatsu Plant (Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture), the Tsuzuki Plant (Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture), and the Osaka Plant (Osaka, Osaka Prefecture). Established in 1995, the Takatsu Plant underwent a complete renovation including sanitation management in 2008 as its scale expanded. Zoning and air pressure control were introduced to prevent contamination, as well as metal detectors and X-ray detectors to prevent contamination with foreign objects. In addition, air showers and adhesive rollers are used to prevent hair countermeasures, and rules for entering the workroom are strictly enforced. Physical security measures have also been strengthened through the installation of card locks and establishment of one-way traffic within plants. In addition, the Takatsu Plant has acquired FSSC 22000 certification through the establishment of a food safety management system. In 2016, we started 7S activities, and in 2021 we adopted the HACCP system.
A panoramic view of the Takatsu Plant
A panoramic view of the Tsuzuki Plant
System for uniform quality management throughout Japan
Based on the quality management methods and know-how cultivated through our activities at the Takatsu Plant, we established the Osaka Plant in 2013 and the Tsuzuki Plant in 2016. Each of our plants is committed to thorough quality management as we strive to maintain and improve quality.
In addition, from the standpoint of food defense, quality assurance cameras have been installed in each plant to improve crime prevention systems and enhance quality control by improving operational visibility.
Thorough education on sanitation management
Food safety and security are supported by each employee’s knowledge and awareness of food sanitation. For this reason, we conduct thorough sanitation management training for all employees, including part-time and casual workers, and maintain an e-learning course attendance rate of 100%.
Relations with Customers
Priority on dialogue with customers
We have established a Customer Service Center to actively collect customer feedback. This is how we put into practice the credo: "Our Cherished Value: Putting the Customer First." The information is reported and shared at monthly managerial meetings and meetings with location managers, and is used to improve products and services throughout the whole company.
Examples of improvements based on customer feedback
At Maisen, we continue to review our bread production methods and recipes to further improve the quality of our signature product, the pork fillet cutlet sandwich. Moving forward, we will continue to emphasize quality at the customer’s time of consumption in addition to the taste of freshly made items.
Appropriate information disclosure
All information disclosure through various media, such as our website and in-store announcements, is conducted after the Quality and Sanitation Management Department and the Marketing Department have confirmed its legal compliance and appropriateness. In particular, we strive for accurate labeling and easy-to-understand expressions for bulk product labeling and in-store POP and price cards, etc. We endeavor to enhance and improve information disclosure as appropriate, based on customer needs and interest in communication of the information. We also check all menu descriptions to ensure that there are no misleading expressions or ambiguous implications.
Consideration for overseas customers
With the increase in the number of non-Japanese customers in recent years, the restaurant has introduced menu booklets labeled in four languages (Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean).
Initiatives for the Suntory Sustainability Vision
Raw Ingredients
Ensuring traceability
Amid an increasing awareness of food safety and security, inquiries from customers and business partners regarding the places of origin of pork and other products are increasing. For this reason, we maintain documentation of the place of origin, and respond accurately to inquiries.
Promotion of food recycling
We focus effort on reducing and recycling food waste, including our early implementation of 100% waste oil recycling. Bread crusts removed during the production of pork fillet cutlet sandwiches have been effectively utilized by selling them to bread crumbs manufacturers and feed producers. As a result of these efforts, we have maintained a 100% recycling rate at the Takatsu Plant and approximately 50% at our shops, and we will continue to strive for further improvement.
Adoption of filtered fryers
In addition to the above efforts, we have been gradually switching to fryers equipped with filters in our shops, thereby reducing the workload of female kitchen staff and significantly reducing waste oil volumes.
Reducing food loss
Since we work with items delivered daily, unsold products have to be discarded immediately. We are therefore working on management to improve sales and minimize food loss, and have achieved one of the best loss ratios in the industry.
Original Amai Yuwaku pork (Sweet Temptation) brand made from recycled food
In 2012, Maisen collaborated with feed manufacturers and pig farmers to develop Amai Yuwaku (Sweet Temptation), an original pork product from pigs raised on a feed made with bread crusts from pork fillet cutlet sandwiches. We then began using it as an ingredient for pork cutlets and other products. We have also reported and registered as a recycler as stipulated by the Food Recycling Law.

Original Amai Yuwaku (Sweet Temptation) pork
Containers and Packaging
Switching take-out bags
In 2021, we implemented a switch to a 25% biomass material for the take-out bags used at our directly managed retail shops. To encourage customers to bring their own bags, we developed an eco-bag specially made by Maisen, ideally sized to hold our products and offered for sale in our shops.
Calorie and allergen labeling for each product
In keeping with the recent health boom, we display nutritional information for each product on our website. We disclose allergen information to ensure that customers can enjoy their meals with peace of mind. In addition to the seven raw ingredients specified for mandatory disclosure, we also display information on the 21 associated ingredients for which disclosure is optional.
Human Rights
Relations with Business Partners
Technical trainees
Maisen has been accepting technical trainees from the Philippines since 2016, and approximately 50 trainees are currently working at our plants to acquire skills in prepared food production.
Conducting audits of supplier plants
In order to provide our customers with safe, secure meals, it is essential that we maintain relationships of trust with our suppliers, including providers of pork and other raw ingredients. For this reason, when we begin dealing with a new supplier, we conduct a local plant audit, whether in Japan or overseas, to confirm that the supplier is trustworthy. We also conduct regular audits of existing suppliers and request improvements as necessary as we work to create a system that ensures safety and security throughout the supply chain.
Relationship with Employees
Creating an environment supportive of employee growth
In order to bring smiles to our customers' faces, it is essential that each and every employee who provides products and services benefits from personal awareness and growth. Based on this idea, Maisen has established a training system by job classification and seniority level, and also utilizes outside training programs to meet the growth aspirations of employees.
Mental and physical health support for employees
To ensure that employees can always work with vigor and enthusiasm, we conduct regular health checkups once a year (twice for those working at night) and maintain a 100% examination rate. We hold regular consultation sessions with occupational physicians, not only for physical health management, but to also promote mental health self-checks and to follow up on the check results. In addition, our Health and Safety Committee sponsors monthly workplace inspection visits to ensure a safe workplace.
Unique motivational contests
In order to enhance the quality of customer service by store employees who have many opportunities to interact with customers, we hold the M-1 Grand Prix every year based on the "MAiSEN Hospitality No. 1" concept. Each award recognizes exemplary smiles and customer service at our shops, which not only motivates the honorees but also has a ripple effect on other employees.
Internal performance recognition system
Awards are presented to employees who have achieved exemplary results, such as notable achievements in business performance and social contribution activities. We have introduced the "MAiSEN of the Year" system, intended not only to improve company performance and raise morale, but also to fulfill our corporate philosophy.
Promoting Work-Life Balance
Given our high percentage of female employees, particularly at MAiSEN shops, we have worked from early on to create an environment that allows employees to balance work and family life. In 2011, we introduced a maternity and childcare leave system, which has been used by many employees.
Promotion of Diversity
At Maisen, we aim to create a workplace where diverse human resources can play an active role regardless of gender, age, nationality, or disability.
Active in hiring people with disabilities, we now have 12 employees with disabilities.
Enriching Life
Helping revitalize the community around our main location
To local residents in the vicinity of our main shop Aoyama, location in Shibuya-ku, we are a familiar presence at the core of the local shopping district. To fulfill our responsibility as a member of the local community, we participate in the Town Development Association, and also cooperate in traffic safety activities.
The Children’s Project, supporting children’s growth through meals
The Children’s Project has been in operation since 2011, providing pork fillet cutlet sandwiches to children working hard at sports such as baseball, soccer, and golf, thereby supporting healthy growth of the children who will lead the next generation. Aside from the delicious taste, the Japanese name for these sandwiches includes the word "katsu," synonymous with "win," which makes them a favorite good-luck charm for kids.
Since 2022, the company has also been making curry from scrap meat and vegetables, calling it "Maisen SDGS Curry," and offering it to local children's cafeterias.

Maisen SDGS Curry
- Suntory Beverage & Food Limited
- Suntory Beverage & Food Europe
- Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pacific
- Pepsi Bottling Ventures LLC
- Beam Suntory Inc.
- Chateau Lagrange S.A.S.
- Weingut Robert Weil
- Haagen-Dazs Japan, Inc.
- Pronto Corporation
- Izutsu Maisen Co., Ltd.
- Suntory Flowers Ltd.
- Suntory Flowers Midorie (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- Suntory Marketing & Commerce Ltd.
- Suntory Publicity Service Ltd.