IR website <PDF>
Investor Relations website

Investor Relations website (PDF) All (6.3MB)
SECTION 1 Management (941.4KB)
–CEO Message
–Management Strategy
–Executive Leadership
SECTION 2 Corporate Overview (2.3MB)
–Business Overview
–Growth Trajectory
–History of M&A
–Asia Pacific
–Core Value
–Gemba Centricity
–Creation and Development of Long-Selling Brands
SECTION 3 Financial Highlights (158.5KB)
SECTION 4 Sustainability (2.2MB)
–Sustainability Management
–Environmental Management
–Environmental Vision toward 2050
–Environmental Targets toward 2030
–Disclosures Based on Task Force on
–Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
–Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
SECTION 5 Corporate Governance (337.9KB)
SECTION 6 Finance / Stock & Bonds (183.3KB)