Forum Report

On May 20, 2017, Reexamining Japan in Global Context's 11th seminar took place at the Suntory Foundation in Osaka. The theme of the event was "Technological Development in Contemporary Japan: Possibilities and Challenges."  The first presentation was given by Dr. Hideaki Shiroyama, professor of Policy Alternatives Research Institute and University of Tokyo. In his presentation titled "Governance of Nuclear and Space Technologies in Post-War Japan," Dr. Shiroyama analyzed technology governance of nuclear technology and space technology in Japan after World War II.  The second presentation, by Dr. Carin Holroyd from University of Saskatchewan, Canada, was titled "Innovation: ‘Japan Inc.’ in the 21st Century."  She argued that if the country can reproduce its earlier successes in new sectors such as such as space-based solar panels, nanotechnology, hydrogen energy and robotic technologies, Japan could well experience a new era of economic success and stability in the midst !
of globally disruptive and unsettling times.