Policies and Our Approach
The circular system consisting from plants and forests nurtured by water, rivers, oceans, atmosphere, and the ecosystem made by living things are the basis of all life.
As a company that delivers the blessings of water and nature to our customers, we believe that protecting beautiful and clean water with healthy ecosystems, using them appropriately, and replenishing to nature is a great responsibility.
Ingraining this concept in every part of the Group, Suntory strives to build a prosperous and sustainable society by preserving and regenerating the natural environment and reducing environmental impact.
Suntory Group’s Environmental Principles
Suntory Group sets principles that clearly indicate our prioritized environmental initiatives such as achieving water security, conserving and regenerating biodiverse ecosystems, promoting a circular economy and transitioning to a net zero carbon society (established 1997, revised 2022). To achieve a vibrant global environment, we are championing the transformation to a sustainable society by collaborating with our stakeholders, deepening dialogues with local communities, and transparently disclosing our progress.
Suntory Group's Environmental Principles
At Suntory Group, environmental management is at the core of our business strategy.
In our commitment to cultivating a sustainable and vibrant society now and in the future, these environmental principles inform the actions we take each day across our entire value chain.
1.Achieving water security
Water is the most vital resource for our business. At Suntory, we aim to become net water positive by using water carefully and localizing water stewardship to contribute to nature’s healthy water cycle. -
2.Conserving and regenerating biodiverse ecosystems
Thriving water and agricultural systems are crucial to our business. We strive to protect and regenerate biodiversity through local water source conservation and sustainable agricultural practices. -
3.Promoting a circular economy
To effectively reduce waste and efficiently utilize limited resources, we imbed sustainable principles throughout the lifecycle of our products, promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) for all raw materials, use renewable resources when available, and collaborate with stakeholders to build a fundamentally circular system. -
4.Transitioning to a net zero-carbon society
In the face of climate change, we are doing our part to achieve a net-zero carbon society by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain. -
5.Engaging with society
To achieve a vibrant global environment, we are championing the transformation to a sustainable society by collaborating with our stakeholders, deepening dialogues with local communities, and transparently disclosing our progress.
Promoting Structure
Global Sustainability Committee
To promote sustainability management, the Global Sustainability Committee (GSC) acts as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors. The Group’s sustainability strategies and the progress on priority themes (water, climate change, containers and packaging, raw ingredients, health, human rights and enriching life) are discussed in the GSC under the lead of the Chief Sustainability Officer. The progress of environmental and social activities as well as business risks and opportunities are reported to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. In addition, the Board of Directors are provided with the opportunities to hear advices from the third party experts on sustainability management.
Suntory Group's Environmental Management Promoting Structure

Targets and Progress
Suntory Group established the Environmental Vision toward 2050 and Environmental Targets toward 2030 to provide clear direction to our environmental management.

*1Suntory Group plants that manufactures finished products
*2Reduction per unit production based on the business fields in 2015
*3Coffee, barley, grapes
*4Based on emissions in 2019

Our Initiatives
Reducing Environmental Impact in the Entire Product Life Cycle
Suntory Group generates various by-products and waste from a wide range of business activities. We are committed to reducing environmental impact by quantitatively understanding our impact on the planet throughout a product's life cycle - from planning and development to disposal and recycling.
In addition, following the expansion of business overseas, we assess the environmental impact of overseas production sites to determine the environmental impact on a global scale. Suntory Group actively communicates with the suppliers throughout the entire supply chain.

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations (such as the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures and the Energy Conservation Act in Japan), each Suntory Group plant is committed to environmental management by setting voluntary standards for wastewater treatment, boiler facilities and other environmental facilities that are equal to or more stringent than those set by laws and regulations.
In 2023, no serious accidents or violations affecting environmental pollution occurred.
Group-wide promotion of ISO 14001 Certification
We have actively advanced the acquisition of the international ISO14001 certification standard at each Group company as one method to continually evolve by integrating business and environmental activities. With the completion in acquiring the integrated certification and the start of operations at Group companies* in Japan, we are working to enhance management to abide by laws at sites with a low environmental burden and conduct even more efficient environmental management with these sites as targets from 2017. We are in the process of obtaining certifications at overseas Group companies with focus on our production sites. We are approximately 70% complete in certifying overseas Group company production sites as of 2023.
We are enhancing the links between each department involved with the value change of businesses at each Suntory Group company to promote business activities from environmental perspectives in all stages from the procurement of ingredients to disposal.
*Group companies complying to the Japanese SOX Act
Promoting Environmental Education in the Group
We promote environmental education to raise employees' environmental awareness. We implemented various environmental education initiatives including e-learning for all Group employees in Japan and sharing information on the Intranet. In addition, we regularly hold workshops and seminars to learn specific skills that are required in each operation. We also have started online program on sustainability management that can be taken by all Group employees globally.

Seminar on managing Wastes Disposal and Public Cleansing Act
For details, please see the Data List.
First Hand Experience with Forestry at Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary
We are advancing employee forestry volunteer activity at Suntory Natural Water Sanctuaries. Many employees and their families have participated until 2013.
From 2014, the program was conducted with an aim to deepen understanding of corporate philosophy and approximately 8,000 employees in alcoholic and non-alcoholic businesses have participated so far. The program is continuing as a part of new employee on-board programs.

Forestry Maintenance Training for Employees
Promoting Environmental Action on the Intranet and Internal Magazine
We are sharing basic environmental information, environmental laws and ordinances related to our business, internal guidelines and other materials on the intranet. We are also raising awareness in our employees and encouraging action through e-learnings and sharing information on sustainability portal site.
The internal magazine MADO and the e-MADO published on our intranet play a role in presenting the latest environmental activities and information of Suntory Group to enlighten not only employees but also their families.
Green Bonds
Suntory Group has formulated the Sustainable Finance Framework as a sustainability finance initiative aiming to achieve a decarbonized society and reduce water consumption. Based on this Sustainable Finance Framework, Suntory Holdings Limited plans to issue green bonds that will use the proceeds for businesses that contribute to solving environmental issues among SDGs bonds.