Policies and Our Approach
Voluntary Declaration toward Consumer Orientation
The policy of Consumer Orientation, which has been handed down from generation to generation since the company's foundation, is clearly stated in the Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation.
Voluntary Declaration toward Consumer Orientation
- April 2017
- Takeshi Niinami
- President, and Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board,
- Representative Director,
- Suntory Holdings Ltd.
In line with Suntory Group’s Corporate Philosophy, we offer products and services of the highest quality that enrich the lives of people around the world and contribute to a sustainable natural environment.
We aim to be a “Growing for Good” company that is a good corporate citizen trusted by consumers.
Initiative Policies
(1) We will offer products and services that create harmony with customers
We value close communication with customers, placing top priority on the customer. We will respond sincerely to opinions and requests received from customers. We will strengthen initiatives that help to develop and improve our products and services.
(2) We will pursue safety and reliability for customers
Grounded in the Suntory Group All for the Quality Policy, we will continually work to maintain and improve quality in all of our processes, from planning and development of products and services, to procurement of materials such as water, agricultural products and packaging, to manufacturing, distribution, sales, and services. We will strive to improve the quality of our products and services while preventing quality risks through the Quality Assurance Committee which promotes quality management throughout the Group.
(3) We will utilize customer feedback in our business activities
We will share the valuable information and opinions received from customers quickly throughout the Group and reflect that feedback in our corporate activities and the actions of our employees, ranging from improving products and services to strengthening risk management.
(4) We will strive to provide information to customers
We will strive to use accurate indicators and easy-to-understand expressions for the labeling of our products, promotional materials and advertisements. We will also work to enhance information on our websites to enable customers to search for themselves online, in addition to using the communications received through the Customer Center such as telephone calls, letters, and emails. We will offer quality-related information in an easy-to-understand manner for customers.
(5) We will foster a culture and awareness among employees to take action from the viewpoint of customers
We will continue the Customer Satisfaction Cultivation Activities to foster a corporate culture in which all of our employees consider the viewpoint of customers in their work. We will hold training programs for all employees, including those in divisions that have few opportunities to hear the views expressed directly by our customers.
Voluntary Declaration toward Consumer Orientation Activity Report
The results of initiatives and improvements made to activities based on the above-mentioned Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation are published on an annual basis.
Basic Policy on Customer Satisfaction and Course of Action
We stipulated the Basic Policy on Customer Satisfaction in 1999 in order for each and every one of our employees to take action while always recognizing the goal of providing customer satisfaction. We formulated the Course of Action for our Customer Center in 2002 to be put into comprehensive practice by all of the Customer Center staff.

Customer Center
Basic Policy on Customer Satisfaction
We strive to realize, maintain and improve customer satisfaction in every way through various activities to fulfill the responsibility as a member of the society. We value communication with the customers and provide safe and reliable products and services that bring joy to the customer and gain their trust, while providing information and implementing customer feedback to our business activities.
Course of Action for Customer Center
1.We will respond to customer inquiries and complaints in a timely, accurate and sincere manner while being fair and just.
2.We will proactively provide reliable information that brings satisfaction to the customer.
3.We will incorporate feedback and requests of the society in the company.
4.We will comply with laws and our own standards to protect the rights of the customer.
Customer Response Standard
Suntory Holdings Ltd. and 12 Group companies* have formulated a Course of Action that follow ISO10002 (JIS Q 10002) as a working mindset for acting according to the basic policy and course of action. We recognize the right of customers to make inquiries and complaints in these regulations, which are clarifying the active efforts and responsibility to respond to customers with the objective of maintaining and improving customer satisfaction through our corporate activities. In addition, we will formulate and thoroughly familiarize employees with standards and procedures based on this course of action.
*Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd., Suntory Foods Ltd., Suntory Beverage Solution Ltd., Suntory Foods Okinawa Ltd., Suntory Products Ltd., Suntory Spirits Ltd., Okinawa Suntory Ltd., Suntory Business System Limited, Suntory System Technology Ltd. Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd., Suntory Corporate Business Ltd. and Suntory Field Expert Ltd.,(as of July 2024)
CREDO (SUNTORY MIND for Customer Service)
The CREDO (SUNTORY MIND for Customer Service) was formulated as a doctrine for customer service in 2013 to embed the basic policies and course for action in the hearts of each and every employee in their daily tasks. We created this CREDO with all the staff at the Customer Relations Division in an effort to cultivate a climate that nurtures activities able to satisfy the customer.

Promoting Structure
The Suntory Group values two-way communication with the customers in the belief it has held since its founding that customer satisfaction should be given top priority. In 1976, we opened the Consumer Department to handle inquiries from customer. The office now operates as the Consumer-Oriented Management Department of Suntory Holdings Ltd.. We respond sincerely to the opinions and requests that we receive from the customers based on the Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation. We are strengthening initiatives to more widely reflect this feedback in our corporate activities, including improvement and development of better products and services.
Our Initiatives
Communicating with Customers
Since our founding, we have been prioritizing customer satisfaction. We value regular communication with the customers and reflect their feedback in our corporate activities.
Responding, Sharing and Utilizing Customer Feedback
Our Customer Center uses a proprietary information search system to respond quickly and accurately to customers so that those who make inquiries are not left waiting.
By recording the inquiry and our response in our core information management system upon receiving the inquiry, valuable information from the customers is shared immediately with relevant departments to enhance quality and improve risk management.
We periodically share the feedback we receive from the customers with relevant departments to strengthen our VOC activities* that reflect this feedback in our corporate activities and employees course for action, which includes improving our products and services and enhancing our provision of information.
*VOC (Voice of Customer) activities: Activity to reflect customer feedback in management policy.
Flow of Customer information

Customer voices to our Customer Center (Results of 2023: Approx. 76,000)

*1Complaints: Includes expressions of dissatisfaction by customers about products or corporate activities
*2Inquiries and feedback: Includes a wide range of questions and opinions expressed by customers other than complaints
Valuing Customer Feedback for Product Development
We are aiming to improve quality, product development and the provision of information through incorporating opinions and requests from the customers. Having a point of view of the customers is crucial in developing products that are safe and easy to use. We carefully listen to the feedback of the customers, and aim to provide kinder, gentler products to all people.
We listen to customer feedback carefully and use it to continuously improve our products and services. Customer feedback regarding products of other companies and products in other categories are shared with the development division to stimulate new findings from a wider perspective and make prior checks from the customer’s point of view.
We will introduce examples of how we have utilized actual customer feedback in our products and services, using a variety of situations as a starting point.
*Products that are no longer sold are also shown.

Customer feedback
I would like the description of caffeine in “BOSS Caffeine” to be easier to see.
Making the most of customer feedback
The caffeine label is placed prominently on the front of the product to make it easy to understand, and the warning for children and lactating mothers is also included in a color scheme that is easy to see.

*This product is no longer available

Customer feedback
The designs of “Horoyoi” <Iced Tea Sour> and <Cassis and Orange> are similar, can you make them easier to distinguish?
Making the most of customer feedback
The designs have been changed so that customers can easily distinguish them at a glance.

*The designs have since been further revised

Customer feedback
Are there any beverages to prevent heat stroke?
Making the most of customer feedback
Suntory offers a wide product lineup of beverages containing moderate amounts of salt, which are effective in combating heat stroke.

Customer feedback
Can “Iyemon green tea ‘Ocha Dozo’” be heated in an incubator?
Making the most of customer feedback
The bottle was not originally designed to be heated, but now it can be used both cold and hot, and can also be heated in an incubator or other device. To make it easier to understand that the bottle can be used both cold and hot, the phrase “Delicious both cold and hot” has been added to the product itself.

Customer feedback
The labels on plastic bottles are difficult to remove. Sometimes glue is left behind.
Making the most of customer feedback
We have developed a glue that is easier to peel off than conventional glues while maintaining the same adhesive strength. The new glue will be applied progressively to a wide range of products in the future.

Customer feedback
There is no cut line at the bottom of the wine cap seal, making it difficult to remove from the container when sorting.
Making the most of customer feedback
To make it easier for customers to remove, we have added the cut line to the cap sticker of all PET bottled wines.

Expanding communication outlets: Use of Digital and Social Media tools
In addition to communication by telephone, letter, and email through the Customer Center, we are working to enhance the information on the Customer Center website by utilizing photos and illustrations for customers who search for information on their own through the website. In addition, we have prepared an inquiry form in English to respond to inquiries from overseas customers. In 2022, we opened a LINE app Customer Service. We are working to create an environment that makes it easier for customers to contact us.
Suntory Customer Center website(PC)
Suntory LINE app Customer Service
Communicating Our Consumer-Oriented Initiatives to Society
The Suntory Group actively communicates its Consumer-Oriented management philosophy and initiatives through various media and activities.
Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation and Activity Report
In April 2017, we revised our Consumer-Oriented approach and initiative policies passed down since the founding of Suntory to draw up and release Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation. The specific activities that we have undertaken based on the declaration are reported to society in the Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation Activity Report. We were awarded the Commissioner award in January 2020 for the 2019 Award for good practices of Consumer-Oriented management hosted by the Consumer Affairs Agency.
As a company that discloses its Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation, we have provided the declaration and content of activities on the Customer Affairs Agency website.
Employees with Consumer-Oriented Mindset
In order to promote Consumer-Oriented Management, we conduct enlightenment activities for employees for nurturing Consumer-Oriented mindset.
Continuing to Meet Consumers Expectations
We focus on Consumer-Oriented Enlightenment Activities and culture-building, with the aim that each employee will deepen his or her understanding of changes in customer attitudes and interests, and be capable of delivering products and services that exceed customer expectations.
Overview of Internal Enlightenment Activities

*VOC : Voice of Customer
Consumer-Oriented Awareness-raising Company-wide Activities
Consumer-Oriented Spirit Developments Seminar
We hold the Consumer-Oriented Brush-up Seminar annually for all employees. Each employee listens to voices including the words of encouragement from customers and is presented with examples of Consumer-Oriented activities being undertaken at each site in the company to deepen a Consumer-Oriented mindset and encourage action. After attending the seminar, each employee declares what he or she can do as an individual “Consumer Orientation Action Declaration”. In addition, the seminar is widely distributed to group companies in a form that makes it easier for them to take the seminar, such as by video distribution, and the entire Suntory Group is working to firmly establish Consumer-Oriented behavior.
CEO message
Video Introducing examples of Consumer-Oriented activities
Commitment to Consumer Orientation Month
Every May is designated Consumer Orientation Month, an annual opportunity for all Suntory Group companies in Japan and overseas to reaffirm the significance of Consumer Orientation and the need to think and act accordingly, both on an organizational and individual basis. Each department discusses "who are their customers" and "what they can do with their Consumer-Oriented approach." In addition, The Consumer Orientation Action Declaration issued at the beginning of the year is reflected upon and serves as a catalyst for Consumer-Oriented thinking and action.
Assigning On-site Customer Relations Promotion Leaders
Beginning in 2018, we have assigned "Customer Relations Promotion Leaders" to play a central role in further penetrating and establishing customer orientation, particularly at sales offices that have many direct points of contact with customers.
VOC Monitoring by Management
Suntory provides a program for management to listen to calls from customers received by the Customer Center in real-time. They can hear the questions, concerns and opinions that customers have about Suntory products and services in daily life. This puts in place an opportunity to utilize all of this customer feedback to better address their needs.
President Niinami listening to customer feedback
Vice president Torii listening to customer feedback
Talent Development at Every Level

As a part of our Talent development program Suntory University, we carry out training in line with the career path of each employee. At first, during new employee training, participants will learn about the Suntory Group's Consumer-Oriented spirit that has been continuously passed down since its foundation. As four-year employees, by listening to the voices of our customers in groups and discussing their thoughts and expectations, we learn about the importance of Consumer Orientation. Employees who are being promoted to manager are practically taught important Consumer-Oriented decision-making techniques such as through group discussions based on business experiences.
Enhancing Opportunities for Employees to Listen to Customers
We engage in activities to strengthen opportunities to share customer feedback with employees, even those who have less opportunities interacting with customers directly.
Disseminate Customer Feedback through Monthly Reports and Weekly Reports
We share customer opinions and requests widely within the company on a weekly and monthly basis via the intranet and email, with the aim of having all employees respond to customer opinions about our products and corporate activities and link them to their own work and actions.

Harmonics Report porvided to empliyees via our intranet