Policies and Our Approach
We believe that as a consumer-oriented company, it is important to support the pursuit of a balanced lifestyle both in body and mind. Our consumers have different needs and preferences at different life stages, and through our diverse business activities, Suntory Group will support consumer wellness at each of those stages. By offering choice in products, services and experiences through our soft drinks, health foods, alcoholic beverage and other businesses, as well as by innovating in relevant fields, we will support the wellbeing and balanced lifestyles of our consumers.
Soft Drinks
In addition to leveraging Japan-led research on and development of “Natural and Healthy” beverages, Suntory Beverage & Food address health and wellness concerns through beverages to allow consumers to make positive choices in pursuit of a natural, healthy, convenient and rich lifestyle.
Suntory Beverage & Food Limited Health Policy
1.In order to satisfy the health needs of consumers worldwide, we will continue to expand our portfolio of products which satisfy your taste buds, body and mind, as well as provide services to contribute to healthy and positive lifestyles.
2.We will perform research that contributes to the health of consumers and will develop more natural, healthy products for world by using the expertise we have cultivated in Japan over many years in developing beverages which are sugar-free, low-sugar, and fortified for better health.
3.We will base labeling and communication on the guidelines from government agencies and industry groups in each country and region, and will endeavor to make it easier for consumers to select healthy beverages.
4.We will contribute to solving global health issues through joint research with external specialized institutions and through other communication with various stakeholders.
Alcoholic Beverages
As a provider of alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and spirits, Suntory seeks to inspire human connections and to celebrate the milestones of our lives. To this end, we are committed to promoting the moderate consumption of our products and encouraging responsible choices surrounding alcohol. With our Drink Smart alcohol responsibility program as a core, we work both within Suntory Group and in partnership with industry peers and other partners to reduce harmful consumption of alcohol, including overconsumption, driving under the influence, underage drinking, and drinking during and after pregnancy. We also offer non-alcoholic and low-alcoholic products to meet customer preferences and support healthy lifestyles.
Responsible Consumption - Suntory Group's Principle and Course of Action
Health Foods
With an aim to realize a society where everyone, regardless of age, can live a full and fulfilling life being true to themselves, Suntory Wellness supply health food and beauty products to a total of over 2 million customers annually through mail order. To help customers begin to live a wellness life – a healthy, beautiful and fulfilling life, we offer them reliable products harnessing the power of nature that are scientifically proven to provide health benefits, through a heart-to-heart dialogue with each customer.
Our Initiatives
Soft Drinks
Expanding Our Lineup of Products that are Healthy for the Mind and Body
For decades the expansion of the world beverage market has been driven by consumer demand for drinks, especially carbonated products, which contain large amounts of sugar. In recent years, there has been an accelerating shift in demand toward healthier and more natural drinks. Utilizing knowledge gained through many years of research in Japan regarding the development of low- and no-sugar beverages (such as tea and water), we are developing new beverages that are healthy for the mind and body.
In Vietnam and Thailand we released Tea+ Oolong Tea, an oolong tea with Oolong Tea Polymerized Polyphenols (OTPP) that reduce fat absorption and mitigate the raise of neutral fat in blood. These products have been received positively by consumers.

We have also released a low-sugar iced tea called MayTea in Europe. MayTea comes in a variety of flavors and was developed using Suntory’s expertise in tea products.
In addition to beverages, we also offer heath foods. Under the BRAND’s umbrella, we offer the much-loved Essence of Chicken supplement drink in Thailand and other Asian countries. Essence of Chicken is an all-natural extract made of fine quality chicken without artificial chemicals or preservatives.
Initiatives on Low- and No-Sugar Products
Suntory Beverage & Food is developing products that contain amounts as minimal as possible of sugar, artificial coloring, and artificial flavoring. In Europe, we have set a target to reduce the use of sugar in all our products by 35% by 2025 compared to 2015. We have already made progress toward this goal, and as the end of 2022, we have succeeded in reducing the amount of sugar used in our products by 24% compared to 2015. As well as re-formulating our drinks to lower the sugar content we are also putting investment behind our lower-calorie brand such as Lucozade Zero in the UK.

In France, we reduced total sugar use in our flagship Oasis brand by 2,200 tons in 2022. In the UK and Ireland, we have added zero- and low-calorie options across our major brands. In the Ribena line of concentrated fruit juices, we reduced sugar content by 0.2 grams per 100 ml. Thanks to investments in product development and marketing, sales of products with less than 5 grams of sugar per 100 ml have tripled since 2015.
In Oceania, we aim to increase the portion of our portfolio that is low- and no-sugar to 1/3 by 2030. As a road map for achieving the goal, we will promote 1) Lower sugar through innovation, leveraging Suntory Group relationship 2) Introduce greater choice through new products, 3)Continue to introduce smaller pack sizes. As of 2022, one in six drinks sold become low, or contain no sugar.
Developing Food for Specified Health Uses and Foods with Function Claims to Address Health Issues
To help address social issues such as the rise in lifestyle diseases like obesity and high blood pressure, Suntory Beverage & Food offers a variety of products known in Japan as food for specified health uses (FOSHU) with proven benefits backed by research. This lineup includes: Black Oolong Tea OTPP, developed based on research showing oolong tea’s polymerized polyphenols have the effect of inhibiting fat absorption; Suntory Goma Mugicha (barley tea), suited for people with high blood pressure; Pepsi Special Zero, which inhibits fat absorption; and Tokucha (FOSHU Iyemon), the world’s first drink to clarify the lipolytic action of quercetin glycoside. The portfolio also includes other products like Iyemon Plus, a functional claim beverage that can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. While seeking to eliminate negative health impacts and contribute positively to our customers’ well-being, we also emphasize great taste, pursuing research and development to ensure that our products are both healthy and great-tasting.

Reducing Artificial Colorings and Flavors
Suntory Beverage & Food focus on developing products that use a minimal amount of artificial colorings and flavors. In Europe, we have set a target to remove artificial colorings and flavors by 2025. In France, our product Oasis was renewed to a recipe which uses less sugar and only 100% natural ingredients.

Appropriate Information Disclosure
Suntory Group strives to offer information related to safety and reliability to the customers in an appropriate and timely manner. We also indicate information on product labels, commercials, and ads in a way that is clear and avoid misunderstanding. Furthermore, Suntory Group’s Code of Business Ethics stipulates that we must conduct responsible marketing as a corporate group that offers diverse products and services.
We promote the display of accurate product information in a way that is accessible and easily understood by consumers. In order to ensure the accuracy of product information, we collaborate with the related divisions in charge of development and production, and also confirm the compliancy and accuracy of disclosed information through our Quality Assurance Division.
In Japan, Suntory conducts thorough reviews of raw ingredients used in our products in order to display energy, carbohydrates, and sodium chloride (salt equivalent) as well as confirm the need for allergen labeling. We are sure to include not just the 8 items required by law to be shown on our labels, but the 20 items recommended to be displayed.
In Oceania, adapting the Health Star Rating* food labeling scheme for the customers to make choices on which product to choose.
*Health Star Rating System…A front-of-pack labeling system that ranks and labels packaged food's overall nutrition profile from half a star to five stars.
Responsible Marketing
Suntory Beverage & Food Europe participate in UNESDA’s* responsible marketing in schools program.
We have become a founding signatory of the new EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices in 2021. Our commitments towards reformulation of our drinks, food waste reduction and the creation of sustainable packaging fully support the EU’s objective to place healthier products on the market and to support the transition towards a circular economy.
The UK has created its own voluntary marketing code to ensure that responsible corporate citizenship is at the heart of everything we do. This includes our commitment not to directly market products categorized as high in fat, sugar and salt (“HFSS”) to consumers who are under the age of 16, and under the age of 18 in Ireland.
In France, we volunteered in 2009 to not communicate on screens and in magazines aimed specifically at children under the age of 12-year-old. Since 2013, our commitments go further because we prohibit all advertising in generalist programes where children constitute more than 35% of the audience.
In Spain, our code of marketing practice specifically states that we do not advertise to children under 12 years of age or sponsor events aimed at children in schools. We also convey messages in all our advertising campaigns promoting healthy lifestyle habits.
In Oceania, we are ensuring our marketing activities are responsible and do not actively target children. Also we partnered with New Zealand government as part of the Healthy Kids Industry Pledge. We directly sell only water to primary and intermediate schools in New Zealand.
*UNESDA = Union of EU (European Union) Soft Drinks Associations
Organic Product Initiatives
In Japan, Suntory Beverage & Food has released limited-edition products made exclusively from organic ingredients, including Craft Boss Special Soy and Milk Latte made with organic coffee beans and Craft Boss Tasty Sugar-Free Black Tea using organic tea leaves and organic lemon juice.
Proposal of Healthier Lifestyle
In accordance with our aim to be a company which promotes consumer well-being, we launched the "100 Year Life Project" in 2018 in Japan. This project supports consumers in their efforts to achieve healthy and positive lifestyles in line with their own goals. We also promote joint research with external experts, conduct research and development to strengthen our portfolio of beverages that address lifestyle diseases, and run programs to improve lifestyle habits.
In Europe, we published the Moving on Health and Wellbeing Report and are promoting various initiatives such as providing active lifestyle programs to approximately one million people, reducing the amount of sugar used in our major brands by half, engaging with employees to develop more effective health programs in the office, and promoting the physical and mental wellbeing of all employees in the workplace.
Alcoholic Beverages
In addition to raising awareness regarding responsible drinking, Suntory Group is striving to promote non-alcoholic drinks for a broad range of adult consumers of legal drinking age to enjoy without worrying about the effects of alcohol. In 2010, we launched "All Free" and in 2011 "Non-aru-kibun", pioneering the creation of a market for non-alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of 0.00%. In recent years, we have expanded our product lineup with the release of "All Free for Your Body," a food with functional claims that responds to growing health consciousness, "Non-aru-banshaku Lemon Sour Non-alcoholic," a lemon sour-flavored beverage, and "Non-alu-de-wine-no-kyujitsu," a new wine-flavored non-alcoholic beverage.

Health Foods
Sesamin – From Elucidation of Function to the Launch of Heath Food Product
Taking on the challenge of clarifying the functions of sesame, which has been known to be good for health, we have scientifically proven the health benefits of ” Sesamin,” one of the sesame lignans found in a small amount in sesame seeds. We commercialized it into our first health food product in 1993.
Subsequently, we launched “Sesamin EX,” a powered-up version that combines vitamin E, tocotrienols, and brown rice-derived ingredient “Oryza Plus.”
Suntory Wellness also sells a variety of other health food products such as "DHA & EPA + Sesamin EX," "Locomoa," and "Omega Aid."

Making each Customer's lifestyle shine throughout their lives
As customers get older, their health conditions, way of living and purpose in life change, causing their lifestyles to become more diverse. At Suntory Wellness, we help customers of all ages live full and bright lives, by providing products and services that meet their individual needs throughout their lives, leveraging the power of science that we have cultivated over many years, the power of communication we have mastered through our close engagement with customers, as well as the latest digital technology.

With this in mind, Suntory Wellness promote "Be supporters!" project which is built around the concept of "providing opportunities to shine for everyone who wants to be excited no matter how old they are." This project aims to make people who usually need support for daily lives such as elderly people living in nursing care facilities and people with dementia, become healthy both physically and mentally by encouraging them to become supporters of a local soccor club.
Promoting Communication with Customers
We are delivering a wide-range of information to customers through our website and booklets
Suntory Global Innovation Center website
Healthy Drink NAVI website
Suntory Wellness website (Japanese)